Amasht Hygiene E-news | January 2013
What is Occupational Hygiene?
  Rarely does a day go past without a reference in the newspapers, on the television or on the internet to illnesses or disabilities caused at work. In some cases, the effects may be reversible. In many others, detrimental effects to health cannot be overcome and can even shorten life expectancy. Occupational hygiene uses science and engineering to prevent ill health caused by the environment in which people work. It helps employers and employees to understand the risks and improve working conditions and working practice.
Work has always involved hazards to health.
Plumbers have been poisoned by the lead they used for pipes and joints.
Boys sweeping chimneys died from cancer caused by components in the soot.
Cutlery grinders died young from lung diseases caused by the silica in grinding wheels.
With good occupational hygiene practice, some historical risks have been eliminated and others brought under control. Yet standards are still poor in many parts of the world. Moreover, changes in technology and society constantly create new risks for us to understand and tackle.

These days the range of health risks in the workplace is more varied than ever. Not only do we recognise chemical hazards but also the health hazards from noise, heat or cold, ergonomic stresses, ionising radiation, microwaves,
  infectious diseases and psychological stress. Occupational hygienists have to protect workers from hazards posed by advanced technologies such as semiconductor manufacture and highly potent pharmaceuticals. We have to anticipate the risks from nano, gene and other emerging technologies. Occupational hygiene is a constantly challenging field and profession.

Occupational hygiene is the science of preventing ill health from work activities. It’s practitioners come from varied backgrounds. Occupational hygiene is multidisciplinary so its practitioners must acquire a broad and solid foundation of knowledge across all these disciplines and more. Common to all practitioners is a core of knowledge that can only be described as “occupational hygiene” and a strategic approach to managing health hazards at work.
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  A fetus develops fingerprints at eighteen weeks.

A little under one quarter of the people in the world are vegetarians.

Approximately 1-2 calories are burned in a minute while
watching T.V.
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