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Best practice for bathroom hygiene
  Bathroom hygiene is incredibly important for a number of reasons. It is something that every cleaning business has to keep on top of when it comes to cleaning hotels, offices and other people’s homes. Harmful bacteria and germs are incredibly common in a bathroom environment and while a surface may look clean, looks can be deceptive. The cleanliness of a surface is totally dependent on the methods that are used to clean it.
The are many benefits to be had from having a clean bathroom but the most important is that it will stop the spread of harmful bacteria and germs to other areas and lower the possibility of bacteria related illnesses.
What to look for
Bathroom cleanliness is essential. It may be the place people go to get clean but it can often be harbouring lots of nasties. The warm and humid atmosphere is a breeding ground for an array of bacteria.
Showers and baths are not as clean as most would think. Soapy water, which is full of bodily bacteria, forms layers on the surfaces and also the shower curtain.
As you’d probably expect, the toilet is another part of the bathroom that requires a lot and very particular attention. Areas such as under the rim and the toilet handle are where most bacteria would be found, so be sure to clean these areas thoroughly.
Different parts of the bathroom require different cleaning methods. Some products are too harsh for certain bathroom surfaces, so it is essential that you are aware of what should be used and where.
Bacteria are likely to thrive in towels, sponges and face cloths, since they stay damp after use. In order to reduce risk, you should ideally have new ones replaced every so often, or in places like offices – paper towels and a bin should be made available.
Be aware of the public and your employees
You can tell a lot about an organisation from the state of their bathrooms and it is easy to pass quick judgement on an organisation due to their bathroom upkeep. Clean bathrooms portray a professional operation, so it is imperative for a company to ensure a good level of hygiene is maintained.
Many businesses with public bathrooms receive a large daily footfall, and, therefore, these should be monitored throughout the day, with any obvious dirt and debris cleaned. On top of this, they should also be cleaned thoroughly at the end of every working day.
Unfortunately, in a public bathroom there is no way of being sure that everyone is washing their hands, so particular attention needs to be paid to toilet and door handles. A heavy-duty disinfectant is recommended for public bathrooms, as larger use is bound to create a larger number of bacteria.
In an office setting, where toilets are usually for staff only, the upkeep is similar to that of your bathroom in someone’s home. It might be beneficial to put up a ‘wash your hands’ sign in office bathrooms as a reminder. It is also important to make people aware of just how important it is to wash your hands and how to wash them correctly – a timely reminder won’t harm anyone.
What illnesses could be spread as a result of poor bathroom hygiene?
Some of the bacteria lurking in the bathroom could lead to ill health. Consider the impact of the following – all of which might be found in your bathroom:
E-coli: Vomiting, fever, cramp, diarrhea and even, in extreme circumstances, kidney failure.
Streptococcus: Throat infections, impetigo, scarlet fever, pneumonia.
Salmonella: Stomach cramps, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and headaches.
Not cleaning properly could damage your reputation as a business. Regular and proper bathroom cleaning will give people the peace of mind that they are in a clean and hygienic environment.
Article Source: http://www.cleaning-matters.co.uk/page_926840.asp
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      Amasht Paper Hygiene Products Pvt. Ltd.
S.No.23, Thergaon, Pune 411 033
email: amasht96@gmail.com www.amasht.com